

另一场食品革命即将到来。这并不是一个安静的时代。它几乎在嗡嗡作响。和点击。和处理。它几乎是管弦乐,真的,以一种细而单调的方式。没错:越来越多的科学家提出,如果我们要在未来几十年养活不断增长的人口,我们必须转向新的蛋白质来源,即昆虫。如果说20世纪60年代末粮食产量的飞跃——归功于基因工程和改良的农业技术——构成了一场绿色革命,那么这次则是一场蛋白质革命。它不会轻易被接受,至少在西方世界不会。尽管赤道国家的居民长期以来一直在享用富含蛋白质的昆虫肉,但西方人一想到吃下一只昆虫就会觉得胃都要胀起来,更不用说吃一份布满昆虫的意大利调味饭了。 The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) wants to find ways around this squeamishness. In doing so, it turned to a cadre of entomologists, food scientists, and other experts, who issued a report on the subject in 2013. Notably, the report emphasized that raising insects for food uses substantially fewer resources than raising large vertebrate livestock. The lead author, entomologist Arnold van Huis, says, “Crickets, grasshoppers and locusts are my favorites, in particular when they are nicely cooked and seasoned. Deep-fried, they can also become nicely crunchy.”