不丹,正式不丹王国、国家、亚洲中南部。面积:14824平方英里(38394平方公里)。人口:2022(美国东部时间)763400年。资本:廷布。有三个主要民族:佛教Sharchop(阿萨姆人)在东部;藏传佛教不丹人,大约有一半的人口,在北部、中部、西部地区;和印度尼泊尔西南部。语言:Dzongkha(官方)汉藏语系语言,尼泊尔。宗教:藏传佛教;也印度教。货币:努扎姆。该国北部地区位于喜马拉雅山脉,与山峰超过24000英尺(7300米)和高谷躺在12000 - 18000英尺(3700 - 5500)。热刺向南辐射,形成了较小的喜马拉雅山脉。一些肥沃的山谷,在海拔5000 - 9000英尺(1500 - 2700),是相当稠密和培育。这些山脉南部的Duars平原,控制访问战略山路上的;是炎热和潮湿的,覆盖着茂密的森林。不丹的经济主要是农业;几乎所有的出口去印度。不丹是一个君主立宪制国家实行两院制立法机构;君主国家元首,政府首脑是总理。 Bhutan’s mountains and forests long made it inaccessible to the outside world, and its feudal rulers banned foreigners until well into the 20th century. It nevertheless became the object of foreign invasions; in 1865 it came under British influence, and in 1910 it agreed to be guided by Britain in its foreign affairs. It later became oriented toward British-ruled India, though much of its trade continued to be with Tibet. India took over Britain’s role in 1949, and ties between India and Bhutan strengthened. In the late 20th century, Bhutan’s rulers, aware of the need to increase international interaction and improve the standard of living, embarked on a program to build roads and hospitals and to create a system of secular education. The kings also slowly divested themselves of authority. The transition from an absolute monarchy to a parliamentary democracy was completed in March 2008, and a new constitution was promulgated in July.