科特迪瓦,或象牙海岸正式科特迪瓦共和国、国家、非洲西部。面积:128364平方英里(332462平方公里)。人口:2023(美国东部时间)30984000年。资本:亚穆苏克罗;事实上的首都阿比让。人口是由不同的民族,尤其是阿坎人,曼丁哥语。语言:法语(官方)、Baule Anyi,傻瓜,班巴拉族,丹。宗教:伊斯兰教、基督教、传统信仰。货币:非洲金融共同体法郎。科特迪瓦可以分为四大区域:一个狭窄的沿海地区,一个赤道雨林在西方,栽培东部的森林地带,在北方草原地区。 Agriculture employs about half the workforce. The country is a major producer of cocoa and petroleum; other exports include timber and wood products and coffee. It is a republic with one legislative house; its head of state and government is the president, assisted by the prime minister. European powers came to the area to trade in ivory and slaves beginning in the 15th century, and local kingdoms gave way to French influence in the 19th century. The French colony of Côte d’Ivoire was founded in 1893, and full French occupation took place in 1908–18. In 1946 it became a territory in the French Union; in 1947 the northern part of the country separated and became part of Upper Volta (now布吉纳法索)。科特迪瓦和平实现自治在1958年和1960年独立,在费利克斯•乌弗•博瓦尼治下达到的当选总统。这个国家的第一次多党总统选举是在1990年举行。政治动荡以来坚持乌弗•博瓦尼治下达到的,死于1993年,并在2002年内战离开这个国家分为北部和南部部分。在随后的几年里尝试和解启动以来,包括双方2007年签署的权力分享协议。在2010年有争议的总统选举导致政治僵局,直到2011年才得到解决。