塞浦路斯,正式塞浦路斯共和国岛和国家,地中海东部。面积:3572平方英里(9251平方公里)。人口:2023(美国东部时间)1376000(整个岛)。资本:尼科西亚。塞浦路斯目前分为两个事实上的国家。塞浦路斯共和国,国际公认的政府占据了三分之二的南部岛屿。它的人口主要是希腊。语言:希腊、土耳其(官方)。主要宗教:基督教(东正教)。货币:欧元。 The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) occupies the northern third of the island. Only Turkey has officially recognized its independence, and its population is overwhelmingly Turkish. Languages: Turkish (official), English. Religion: Islam. Currency: Turkish lira. The third largest island in the Mediterranean, Cyprus lies about 40 mi (65 km) off the southern coast of Turkey. It is largely mountainous, with a fertile heartland and coastal plains. Mount Olympus is its highest peak, 6,401 ft (1,951 m) above sea level. The climate is Mediterranean. Cyprus has a free-enterprise economy based mainly on trade and manufacturing, and it ranks high in the world in merchant shipping. The internationally recognized government is a unitary multiparty republic with a unicameral legislature; its head of state and government is the president. The government of the TRNC, which is only recognized by Turkey, is a de facto republic with one legislative house; its head of state and government is the president assisted by a council of ministers. Cyprus was inhabited by the early Neolithic Period; by the late Bronze Age it had been visited and settled by Mycenaeans and Achaeans, who introduced Greek culture and language, and it became a trading centre. By 800公元前腓尼基人已经开始解决。统治了几个世纪以来的亚述、波斯和托勒密的帝国,罗马共和国和帝国吞并的58岁公元前。它是拜占庭帝国的一部分在4 - 12世纪ce。它是由英格兰国王征服理查德,我1191年(“狮心王”)。从1489年威尼斯的贸易帝国的一部分,它在1571年被奥斯曼帝国。在1878年,英国认为控制和塞浦路斯在1925年成为英国的殖民地。它在1960年获得独立。希腊裔和土耳其裔塞浦路斯人之间的冲突导致建立一个联合国1964年联合国维和任务。1974年,由于担心运动团结塞浦路斯与希腊,土耳其共和国派遣军队占领北部三分之一的岛上。土耳其裔塞浦路斯人建立一个正常运转的政府只获得识别来自土耳其。联合国维和行动一直在的地方。统一台湾谈判在一个政府在2004年并未成功,但边界限制被双方放松。塞浦路斯共和国于2004年加入欧盟,2008年采用欧元作为其官方货币。