吉布提,正式吉布提共和国,以前(1967 - 77)阿法斯和埃萨斯的法国领土、国家、非洲东部,在墨西哥湾亚丁湾门口红海。面积:8880平方英里(23000平方公里)。人口:2023(美国东部时间)1035000年。首都:吉布提。大约一半的人埃萨斯和有关索马里部落;阿法斯约三分之一;平衡包括也门阿拉伯人和欧洲人,主要是法国人。语言:法语、阿拉伯语(官方)。宗教:伊斯兰教(逊尼派)。货币:吉布提法郎。 Djibouti is divided into three principal regions: the coastal plain, the volcanic plateaus in the country’s south and centre, and the mountain ranges in the north, reaching 6,654 ft (2,028 m) high at Mount Moussa (Mousa). The land is primarily desert—hot, dry, and desolate; virtually none is arable. Djibouti has a developing market economy that is based almost entirely on trade and commercial services, centring on Djibouti city. The country is a multiparty republic with one legislative house; its head of state and government is the president, assisted by the prime minister. Settled by the Arab ancestors of the Afars, it was later populated by Somali Issas. In 825ce伊斯兰教是由传教士为该地区。阿拉伯人控制了贸易在这一地区,直到16世纪;它在19世纪成为法国的保护国。这是1946年法国海外领地,假定的名称法国领土阿法斯和埃萨斯在1967年,并于1977年获得独立。在20世纪末和21世纪初,它举办了一个相当大的人口来自邻国冲突的难民。