芬兰,正式芬兰共和国、国家、欧洲北部。面积:130684平方英里(338472平方公里)。人口:2023(美国东部时间)5571000年。资本:赫尔辛基。大多数的人是芬兰人;有一个小萨米拉普兰人人口在拉普兰。语言:芬兰和瑞典都是“国家”的语言;萨米说乌戈尔族语言。宗教:基督教(新教为主;也是东正教)。 Currency: euro. Finland is one of the world’s most northern and geographically remote countries, about one-third of it lying north of the Arctic Circle. Heavily forested, it contains thousands of lakes, numerous rivers, and extensive areas of marshland. Except for a small highland region in the extreme northwest, Finland’s relief doesn’t vary greatly. The south has relatively mild weather; the north has severe and prolonged winters and short summers. Finland has a developed free-market economy combined with state ownership of a few key industries. It is among the wealthiest countries in Europe and in the world. Lumbering is a major industry, and manufacturing is highly developed; service industries are also notable. Finland is a multiparty republic with one legislative house; its head of state is the president, and the head of government is the prime minister. Archaeological discoveries have led some to suggest that human habitation in Finland dates back at least 100,000 years. Ancestors of the Sami apparently were present in Finland by about 7000公元前。今天的芬兰人的祖先来自芬兰海湾南岸的第一年公元前。该地区逐渐从11世纪基督教化ce。从12世纪瑞典和俄罗斯争夺霸权在芬兰,直到1323年,瑞典统治的国家。俄罗斯在1721年放弃了芬兰领土的一部分;1808年亚历山大一世俄罗斯入侵芬兰,1809年被正式割让给俄罗斯。随后看到芬兰的民族主义的增长时期。在第一次世界大战和俄国的损失1917年的俄国革命1917年芬兰的独立奠定了基础。芬兰Russo-Finnish打败了苏联的战争(1939 - 40),但重申了与苏联(“延续的战争”)后,在1941年德国进攻苏联。再次面对失败,在1944年,芬兰与苏联、割让领土和支付赔款。芬兰二战后的经济复苏。它加入了欧盟在1995年。