冰岛,正式冰岛共和国位于挪威和格陵兰岛之间的大西洋北部的一个岛国。面积:39,769平方英里(103,000平方公里)。人口:(2022年估计)380,500人。资本:雷克雅未克。这里的人绝大多数是北欧人。语言:冰岛语(官方)。宗教:基督教(福音路德教[官方])。货币:克朗。冰岛是世界上最活跃的火山地区之一,拥有大约200座火山,占地球总熔岩流的三分之一。该地区的十分之一被冷却的熔岩床和冰川覆盖,包括Vatnajökull。 Iceland’s rugged coastline is more than 3,000 mi (4,800 km) long. The economy is based heavily on fishing and fish products but also includes hydropower production, livestock, and aluminum processing. Iceland is a unitary multiparty republic with one legislative house; its head of state is the president, and the head of government is the prime minister. Iceland was settled by Norwegian seafarers in the 9th century and was Christianized by 1000. Its legislature, the Althingi, founded in 930, is one of the oldest legislative assemblies in the world. Iceland united with挪威在1262年丹麦在1380年。它在1918年成为丹麦的一个独立国家,但在1944年断绝了这些联系,成为一个独立的共和国。Vigdís Finnbogadóttir,世界上第一位当选为国家元首的女性,担任了四届共和国总统(1980-96)。