莱索托,正式莱索托王国以前巴苏陀兰、国家、非洲南部,一个飞地躺在南非共和国。面积:11720平方英里(30355平方公里)。人口:2023(美国东部时间)2098000年。资本:马塞鲁。几乎所有的人口是梭托人,Bantu-speaking人。语言:梭托语、英语(官方),祖鲁语。宗教:基督教(官方;其他罗马天主教徒,基督教徒,新教);传统信仰。货币:洛蒂。 About two-thirds of the total area is mountainous; the highest point is Mount Ntlenyana (11,424 ft [3,482 m]). The Maloti Mountains in the central northwest are the source of two of South Africa’s largest rivers, the Tugela and the橙色和家庭,莱索托的高地治水工程,大规模的开发,将水和发电。矿产资源很少。农业雇佣了近2/5的劳动力;主要农产品有玉米、高粱和小麦。牲畜(牛、羊毛、马海毛)提供了出口。产业主要集中在轻工制造业(纺织品和服装、家具、珠宝)。与两个议院莱索托是君主立宪制国家;它的国家元首是国王和政府首脑是总理。Bantu-speaking农民开始在16世纪,解决地区和许多酋长制出现。最强大的组织在1824年和1843年获得英国保护巴索托抵和南非波尔人之间的紧张感增加。 It became a British territory in 1868 and was annexed to the Cape Colony in 1871. The colony’s effort to disarm the Basotho resulted in revolt in 1880, and four years later it separated from the colony and became a British High Commission Territory. It became independent in 1966. A new constitution, effective in 1993, ended seven years of military rule. At the beginning of the 21st century, Lesotho suffered from a deteriorating economy and one of the world’s highest rates of HIV/AIDS infection.