1893年,当甘地搬到南非时,他很快就遇到了种族歧视。在德班法庭上,欧洲法官要求他摘下头巾;他拒绝了,然后离开了法庭。几天后,在前往比勒陀利亚(Pretoria)的途中,他被扔出了一等车厢,后来又被一辆公共马车的白人司机殴打,因为他不愿坐上踏板,给一名欧洲乘客腾出地方。他还被禁止入住“仅限欧洲人”的酒店。但是,当甘地被堆积在他身上的侮辱刺痛时,他发生了一些事情。从德班到比勒陀利亚的旅程是他的关键时刻。从此以后,他不再接受不公正的待遇。他要捍卫自己作为印第安人和男人的尊严。甘地曾与南非的歧视制度进行斗争,结果成败参半。 He founded the Natal Indian Congress, and his writings exposed to the world the injustices suffered by Indians and others. In 1906 satyagraha (“devotion to truth”) was born as a technique of nonviolent resistance. By the time Gandhi returned to India in 1915, he had developed satyagraha into an effective tool in the fight for social justice.