卡塔尔,正式卡塔尔的状态、国家、中东,亚洲西南部。它从东海岸的突出阿拉伯半岛到波斯湾。面积:4489平方英里(11627平方公里)。人口:2023(美国东部时间)3210000年。首都:多哈。大多数人是阿拉伯人,南亚和伊朗的少数民族农民工。语言:阿拉伯语(官方),英语。宗教:伊斯兰教(官方;逊尼派);还基督教、印度教。货币:卡塔尔里亚尔。 Qatar is mostly stony, sandy, and barren and consists of salt flats, dune desert, and arid plains. Largely because of petroleum and natural gas exports, its gross national product per capita is one of the highest in the world. The government owns all of the agricultural land and generates most of the economic activity; the private sector participates in trade and contracting on a limited scale. Qatar is a constitutional emirate with one advisory body, and its basis of legislation is Islamic law. The head of state and government is the emir, assisted by the prime minister. It was partly controlled by Bahrain from the mid-18th to the mid-19th century and then was nominally part of the奥斯曼帝国直到第一次世界大战(1914 - 18)。1916年,它成为英国保护国。卡塔尔石油于1939年被发现,并迅速现代化。在1971年宣布独立,当英国保护国结束。1991年卡塔尔担任空袭伊拉克的基地海湾战争。