圣徒约翰保罗二世,源自。卡罗尔Wojtyła(出生于1920年5月18日,瓦多维采,波尔。2005年死于4月2日,梵蒂冈城;宣福2011年5月1日;4月27日,2014年被正式宣布为圣徒;节日10月22日),教皇(1978 - 2005),罗马的主教和罗马天主教会的第一个意大利教皇在455年,第一次从一个斯拉夫国家。他在地下神学院学习的祭司在波兰克拉科夫举行的第二次世界大战期间,在1946年被任命。他在罗马获得了哲学博士学位(1948年)和回到家在教区服务,获得第二个博士学位(1948年),在神圣的神学,盖隆大学。他在1964年成为大主教克拉科夫和红衣主教在1967年。当选教皇约翰保罗33天的教皇的职位后,我(b。1912 - d。1978年),他成为闻名的能量,魅力,和智慧以及他的保守的神学观点和狂热的反共产主义。1981年约翰·保罗在圣彼得广场由土耳其枪手,但他恢复了,恢复了他的工作,并且免了他的潜在杀手。 His trips abroad attracted some of the largest crowds ever assembled. His nonviolent activism spurred movements that contributed to the peaceful dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. He championed economic and political justice in developing nations. In naming 44 cardinals from five continents (February 2001), John Paul reached out to cultures around the world. He also canonized more saints, from more parts of the world, than had any other pope. His ecumenical efforts, including meetings with Jewish, Muslim, and Eastern Orthodox religious leaders, were widely praised, but he often drew criticism for his traditionalist views on issues of gender and sexuality. Although afflicted with Parkinson disease since the early 1990s, John Paul remained active and made a historic trip to Jerusalem in March 2000, during which he sought to improve relations between the Roman Catholic Church and Jews. He was beatified on May 1, 2011, and canonized on April 27, 2014.