圣基茨和尼维斯,正式圣基茨和尼维斯联邦岛国,在东加勒比海背风群岛。面积:102平方英里(263平方公里)。人口:2022(美国东部时间)48200年。首都:巴斯特尔(圣基茨)。大部分的非洲血统的人。语言:英语(官方)。宗教:基督教(新教为主;罗马天主教);印度教。货币:美元加勒比海东部。 The islands—Saint Kitts and Nevis—are of volcanic origin, with mountain ranges rising to 3,792 ft (1,156 m). The climate is tropical, and heavy vegetation covers most of the mountainous interior. The economy is based on agriculture; sugar has long been the mainstay, and tourism is also important. Saint Kitts and Nevis is a constitutional monarchy with one legislative house; its head of state is the British monarch, represented by the governor-general, and the head of government is the prime minister. Saint Kitts became the first British colony in the West Indies in 1623. Anglo-French rivalry grew in the 17th century and lasted more than a century. In 1783, by the Treaty of Versailles, the islands became wholly British possessions. They were united with Anguilla from 1882 to 1980 but became an independent federation within the British Commonwealth in 1983.