阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE),以前暂停的状态、国家、中东,亚洲西南部。这是一个联盟七个州的东部海岸阿拉伯半岛。他们的酋长AbūẒaby(阿布扎比)迪拜(迪拜),ʿAjmān, Al-Shāriqah(沙迦)嗯al-Qaywayn, Raʾ年代al-Khaymah, Al-Fujayrah。面积:27423平方英里(71024平方公里)。人口:2023(美国东部时间)9264000年。资本:阿布扎比。原居民是阿拉伯人,但也有大量的南亚和伊朗农民工。语言:阿拉伯语(官方)、英语、波斯、乌尔都语、印地语。宗教:伊斯兰教(官方;逊尼派);还基督教、印度教。货币:阿联酋迪拉姆。阿联酋的沙漠平原低洼坏了沿着MusandamḤajar山半岛。三个天然深水港口位于阿曼湾。阿联酋(主要是AbūẒaby)全世界约十分之一的石油储备和重要的天然气储量,生产的联盟的主要产业。 Other important economic activities include fishing, livestock herding, and date production. The federation has one advisory board; its head of state is the president, and the head of government is the prime minister. In 1820 the British signed a peace treaty with the region’s coastal rulers. The area, formerly called the Pirate Coast, became known as the Trucial Coast. In 1892 the rulers agreed to entrust foreign relations to Britain, but the British never assumed sovereignty; each state maintained full internal control. The states formed the Trucial States Council in 1960 and in 1971 terminated defense treaties with Britain and established the six-member federation. Raʾs al-Khaymah joined it in 1972. The UAE aided coalition forces against Iraq in the海湾战争(1990 - 91)。