狩猎,狩猎动物,主要作为运动。对早期人类来说,狩猎是一种必需品,直到最近,在许多社会中仍然如此。农业的发展使得狩猎作为唯一的生命维持手段变得不那么必要了,但狩猎仍然是为了保护庄稼、羊群或牛群,以及为了食物。现在打猎常用的武器包括步枪、猎枪和弓箭,方法包括跟踪、埋伏、跟踪、驾驶和呼叫。狗有时被用来追踪、冲水或捕捉猎物。在欧洲,许多曾经被狩猎的土地都为贵族所拥有,猎场看守人被雇佣来控制某一特定地区可以狩猎的猎物数量。到了19世纪,被猎取的土地不再是或从未是私有的,开始出现了“公地悲剧”,没有一个猎人有任何动机限制被猎杀动物的数量;某些物种被猎杀到或接近灭绝。为了对抗这种发展,人们建立了道德规范,给采石场一个公平的逃脱机会;尽量减少受伤动物的痛苦; and game laws, licensing, and limited hunting seasons were established to protect game stocks. For instance, a modern license may authorize a hunter to kill only two deer during the brief season for deer, and he or she must present a kill to a game warden who will then document and tag the animal. There are often penalties and fines for being found with an animal that is not so marked.