这部电影的开头空中建立设置,一个工薪阶层社区纽约。飞机,一个本地白街帮派由即兴重复(Russ Tamblyn),享受这一天。当他们遇到鲨鱼波多黎各街头帮派的成员,由伯纳德(乔治·Chakiris),战斗爆发,很快被警察中尉双门衣柜(Simon奥克兰)和官Krupke(威廉·布)。飞机决定挑战鲨鱼的隆隆声,或战斗,获胜者将获得无可争议的地区的控制权。面临的挑战是发行在健身房跳舞那天晚上举行。即兴重复问托尼(Richard Beymer),他与他,但飞机已经离开该团伙作为一个股票的男孩在商店由医生(Ned玻璃),作为他的伴侣在发出挑战,和托尼表示同意。同时,贝尔纳多的妹妹玛丽亚(娜塔莉伍德),和他的女朋友,安妮塔(丽塔•莫里诺),在婚礼用品店工作,为舞会做准备。的事情,托尼和玛丽亚看到对方穿过房间,并立即两者都是击杀。贝尔纳多看到他们一起跳舞,他命令玛丽亚回家。即兴小段和贝尔纳多同意举行一次战争委员会后在医生的商店。家里,安妮塔认为Bernardo,玛丽亚有权与任何她想跳舞,但是Bernardo不同意。他离开后战争委员会,托尼到看到玛丽亚。托尼去战争委员会,他说服双方同意一个简单的两人之间互殴,分别来自团伙。后来,他告诉医生关于他对玛丽亚的爱。
第二天,托尼到达婚礼用品店在一天工作结束的时候看到玛丽亚。安妮塔同意保持他们幽会一个秘密。玛丽亚坚称,托尼阻止计划的战斗发生。他到达之间的战争中是贝尔纳多的鲨鱼和冰(塔克史密斯)喷气式飞机即将开始,主张和平。鲨鱼开始嘲笑托尼,托尼的防御和即兴重复攻击贝尔纳多。贝尔纳多刺死了,即兴重复和托尼又抓起即兴重复的刀杀死了贝尔纳多。远处听到警报时,所有的帮派成员分散。玛丽亚正在等待托尼的到达她的家时,鲨鱼斜纹棉布裤(Jose De织女星)到达和托尼告诉她,杀了她的哥哥。斜纹棉布裤叶子,和托尼的到来。他解释说发生了什么,和玛丽亚宽恕他。假小子大家(苏珊奥克斯)告知飞机,斜纹棉布裤正在寻找托尼和枪。 The Jets begin looking for Tony to warn him. Tony and Maria spend the night together and agree to meet at the bus station the following day to escape. Anita arrives after Tony’s departure. After Maria convinces her of her genuine love for Tony, Lieutenant Schrank arrives to question Maria. Anita agrees to let Tony (who is hiding in Doc’s store) know that Maria will be late meeting him. When Anita arrives at the store, however, she is assaulted by the Jets, who have gathered there to protect Tony, and in a rage she tells Doc that Chino has killed Maria. When Doc passes that information on to Tony, he leaves the store and rushes outside, calling on Chino to kill him as well. Tony sees Maria at a playground, and he realizes that she has not been killed. As he rushes to her, Chino arrives and shoots him. Tony dies in Maria’s arms, surrounded by members of both street gangs. Maria grabs Chino’s gun and tells the gang members that they are all responsible for the deaths of Riff, Bernardo, and Tony. The police arrive and arrest Chino while members of the Jets and the Sharks carry Tony’s body away.