通商口岸,任何港口,亚洲国家,特别是中国而且日本,开放给对外贸易而在19世纪中期,由于来自强国的压力,比如英国,法国,德国,美国,就中国而言,日本和俄罗斯.在中国,最早的港口是在1842年向英国商人开放的,此前中国在被称为第一次的中英贸易冲突中失败鸦片战争(1839 - 42);条约港口系统始于1854年的日本。马修·c·佩里美国的一艘武装直升机舰队驶入江户湾(今东京湾),迫使日本人允许美国商人进入日本。其他西方国家迅速效仿英国和美国的做法,不仅在中国和日本,而且在越南、韩国和暹罗(泰国)也为本国公民获得了条约规定的港口特权。到了19世纪末,西方国家要求更多让步中国的通商口岸数量从1842年的5个增加到1911年的50多个。与中国相比,日本的贸易吸引力较小,军事力量更强,能够更好地承受这种压力,在日本,只有六个港口对外国贸易和居住开放。在较小的国家只开放了两三个港口。
在通商口岸内,西方臣民有权利治外法权即:,they were under the control of their own consuls and were not subject to the laws of the country in which they resided. Eventually an independent legal, judicial, police, and taxation system developed in each of the ports, although the cities themselves were still nominally considered a part of the country in which they were located. Along with Western municipal institutions came Western ways of life, and many Asians were first acquainted with Western thought and techniques in the treaty ports. Beginning in the late 19th century, treaty port cities such as上海而且广州(广州)构成中国工业化发展的主要地区