

约瑟夫·斯大林是苏联共产党的秘书长和苏维埃国家的总理。他独裁统治苏联长达四分之一个世纪,将苏联转变为世界强国。约瑟夫·斯大林出生在格鲁吉亚的哥里,原名约塞布·朱加什维利。虽然他的官方传记上写着他的生日是1879年12月21日,但有证据表明,真实的生日是1878年12月18日。斯大林的第一次政治升迁发生在1912年,当时弗拉基米尔·列宁任命他进入布尔什维克党的第一届中央委员会。在列宁作为党的领袖的影响下,斯大林在俄国革命中发挥了关键作用。列宁1924年去世后,斯大林继任。斯大林实现了苏联的工业化,但牺牲了最贫穷的公民,即农民,估计有1000万人死亡。农民被迫加入集体农场。那些反抗的人往往被杀害或被迫进入劳动营。 Agricultural collectivization led to famine, which was especially severe in Ukraine. Stalin soon turned on even other elite members of the Communist Party, executing or deporting many of them. In all, Stalin’s political victims numbered in the tens of millions. Though Stalin originally allied himself with Hitler, the German dictator posed a threat to the Soviet Union, and Stalin joined the Allies in the fight against Hitler. He participated in high-level conferences with the Allied powers, becoming part of the “Big Three” alongside U.K. Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Stalin died suddenly on March 5, 1953. He had been in poor health. But now many suspect that poison was involved. “I believe in one thing only, the power of human will.” — Joseph Stalin Want to know the truth behind other famous figures? Learn more at Britannica.com.