

亨利·福特是一位美国实业家,他在20世纪初彻底改变了工厂生产。亨利·福特于1863年7月30日出生在密歇根州东部,他有八个兄弟姐妹。他在自己的家庭农场生活和工作,除了在底特律的三年,在那里他第一次看到了内燃机。他于1888年结婚,并和妻子搬到了底特律。福特在底特律是一名电气工程师,他的工作要求他一天24小时随叫随到——但如果没有紧急要求,他就有时间进行自己的实验。1896年,他创造了他的第一辆无马马车——四轮车:一种安装在自行车轮子上的小车框架的设计。1903年,福特创办了福特汽车公司。当福特拒绝将他认为不完美的汽车投放市场时,他的许多富有的投资者都退出了,公司的资金几乎全部来自个人。寻找完美是值得等待的。1908年福特汽车公司推出了T型车,最终在美国售出了1550万辆。 Producing so many Model Ts was possible because of the assembly-line process that Ford developed for his factories. Instead of hiring one or two specialists, Ford paid high wages to dozens of less-skilled workers to complete just one part of the process on multiple cars. Previously, a Model T took over 12 hours to build. The assembly line spit out the same automobile in just an hour and a half. When Ford was growing up in Michigan, only two out of every eight Americans lived in cities. When he died in 1947, that proportion was five out of eight—in part thanks to Ford and the Model T. For better or for worse, the world would never be the same.