部长。教育家。参议员。希兰狂欢是谁?1827年9月27日,海勒姆出生自由狂欢的父母在费耶特维尔,北卡罗莱纳。因为教育黑人学生在北卡罗来纳州是非法的,他前往北从神学院接受他的教育的印第安那州和俄亥俄州。1845年狂欢的一个牧师在非洲卫理公会主教派教会和全国开始布道。他最终在巴尔的摩定居,在那里他担任教会的牧师以及学校校长。内战始于1861年,狂欢的非洲裔美国志愿者组织两个兵团联邦军在担任牧师黑色团驻扎在密西西比州。战争结束后,狂欢开始他的政治生涯。 Although he was concerned about racial conflict and harassment of his ministry, he was appointed an alderman in 1868 and was elected to the Mississippi state senate the following year. In 1870 Revels was elected to the U.S. Senate to fill a vacant seat and became the first African American to serve in Congress. A political moderate, he advocated for desegregation while also supporting amnesty for former Confederates who swore their loyalty to the Union. Though he served for only a year, Revels paved the way for politicians such as Blanche Bruce, the second African American to be elected a U.S. senator. Upon leaving office in 1871, Revels became the first president of Alcorn Agriculture and Mechanical College (later Alcorn State University). He retired in 1882 but remained active in education and religious life by teaching theology at Shaw University (later Rust College). Revels died on January 16, 1901. It would be another 66 years until the third Black senator, Edward Brooke, took office in 1967.