

在美国,我们在10月的第二个星期一庆祝土著人民节。你可能会问自己:谁是原住民?为什么我们要庆祝土著人民节?“indigenous”这个词用来描述某一地区的人和其他生物。这意味着他们一直都在那里。今天,世界上许多国家的人都不是土著。它们通常可以追溯到殖民主义时期。在15世纪,欧洲国家开始入侵世界上遥远的地方,并声称这些土地是他们自己的。他们在那些地区建立了殖民地。许多欧洲人迁移到这些殖民地并在那里定居。 The Indigenous people who had always lived there were pushed off their land. Some were enslaved, and millions were killed by war or disease. For many of the Indigenous people in these places, their way of life disappeared, but they held onto their traditions and culture. Today many governments and individuals want to bring attention to Indigenous peoples and acknowledge that they were mistreated. There are hundreds of Indigenous groups in the United States. They have different names, cultures, and histories, but they are all celebrated on Indigenous Peoples’ Day.