
了解更多关于拉斐尔的的意义雅典学院(1508 - 11)。


到1508年底,年轻的画家和建筑师拉斐尔召见了罗马教皇尤利乌斯二世来完成一件艺术品。尽管他作为一个艺术家的区别,他完成了将成为意大利文艺复兴时期最重要的作品之一。拉斐尔的《雅典学派是壁画装饰在梵蒂冈教皇一套公寓,朱利叶斯生活和工作的地方。今天这个套件被称为Stanze di拉斐尔和拉斐尔的房间,房间在此套件雅典的学校叫做德拉节Segnatura作画。这幅画描绘了一个家族的世俗知识,强调哲学家,艺术家,从历史上和数学家。学者的身份经常争论:是米开朗基罗的模样站在哲学家赫拉克利特吗?这是亚历山大大帝或亚西比德吗?拉斐尔本人,窥视下贝雷帽?联锁组的数据,不管他们是谁,引导观众对作品的中心。那里,一个容易识别柏拉图和亚里士多德,仿佛站在辩论。 Small details represent the two philosophers’ intellectual differences. Plato, whose work engaged with spiritual ideas like truth, beauty, and justice, points skyward. Aristotle, who was more concerned with earthly reality, gestures toward the ground. Both hold copies of their own books in their hands. By focusing attention on Plato and Aristotle, the School of Athens illustrates a central question of Western philosophy: whether meaning is found in the spiritual realm or the physical world. And viewed in context with the other frescoes in Raphael’s Rooms—pieces created for a papal residence, to celebrate religious glory—it’s not too unconventional to believe that the painting picks a side.