


旁白:沉积物的沉积岩石循环中另一个关键阶段。沉积物可能携带数百公里的河流最终沉积在海洋。经过数百万年的进化,层沉积物进行转换。他们成为沉积岩岩石循环的另一个步骤。地质学家分类沉积岩的材料,他们是由[音乐]。例如,砂岩是一种碎屑岩——也就是说,从先前存在的岩石和矿物颗粒形成。一些砂岩柔软而容易被侵蚀。另一个常见的一种沉积岩是石灰石。这是一个化学沉积岩形成的英国佬材料沉淀的水,后来变成了石头。像其他沉积岩灰岩层堆积,或地层。 In some areas, such as the Glass Mountains of Texas, we find biochemical sedimentary rock, containing the remains of marine organisms. This limestone consists of fossils of ancient plants and animals. As these creatures died, they accumulated on the ocean floor, eventually to be cemented together and hardened into limestone.