




1839年,他遇到了玛丽托德。她从一个著名的蓄奴家族在列克星敦肯塔基州——一个年轻女人培养和钦佩。两年后他们结婚了。1844年5月,他们买了房子在第八和杰克逊在斯普林菲尔德,林肯曾经拥有唯一的家。他和玛丽有四个儿子在斯普林菲尔德的房子;一个死在那里。林肯法律电路,试情况下,研究,和持久的友谊在未来十几年。1847年,他利用不断增长的力量的辉格党地位和竞选美国众议院。他赢得一个席位,花了两年时间在华盛顿。再一次,他是一个忠实的国会议员和党的人。 He made a small name for himself by opposing the then raging Mexican War, and his feelings grew more toward an antislavery position. Like many first-term congressmen, he felt he had little influence in Washington, so he returned to Illinois depressed and bitter. He chose not to run again, but instead began to build his Springfield law practice. He was an astute lawyer [music out]. He was asked to defend young Duff Armstrong, son of the Jack Armstrong he had wrestled many years before in New Salem, against a charge of murder. Lincoln agreed to take the case without a fee. The chief witness for the prosecution stated that he had seen Duff commit the murder at night by the light of a bright moon. Lincoln then pulled out an almanac. On the night in question, the moon was in its first quarter and gave virtually no light. The witness was clearly lying, and Duff was acquitted.